Water, light and a


Water your plants 3-4 times per week in the summer, and 2-3 times per week in the winter. This should preferably be done from the base, to prevent mould formation. Place your herb pot in a layer of water in the sink for about 10 minutes every time, for example. This allows the roots to absorb just enough water, while the rest of the plant remains dry. Unsure if your herbs are thirsty? Lift the pot slightly: if it feels light, water the plant.


Be sure to remove the protective plastic sleeve from the plant as soon as you get home. This will give the herbs space to grow freely. Then place the herbs in a sunny place. On the kitchen windowsill, for example, or in a conservatory. If there is sufficient light, you can of course put them at arm's reach on your kitchen worktop!


Our plants love warmth. They thrive with temperatures between 12°C and 30°C. Notice any black spots on your plants? Then are probably too cold and you should move them to a sunnier, warmer spot.


Our herbs are used to being cared for with love. You can see it, you can taste it. Do you want to enjoy your Buysman plants to the fullest? With a little love, attention to proper fluid balance and a carefully chosen spot with sufficient light and warmth, you can keep them healthy and tasty for a long, long time!


Water your plants 3-4 times per week in the summer, and 2-3 times per week in the winter. This should preferably be done from the base, to prevent mould formation. Place your herb pot in a layer of water in the sink for about 10 minutes every time, for example. This allows the roots to absorb just enough water, while the rest of the plant remains dry. Unsure if your herbs are thirsty? Lift the pot slightly: if it feels light, water the plant.


Be sure to remove the protective plastic sleeve from the plant as soon as you get home. This will give the herbs space to grow freely. Then place the herbs in a sunny place. On the kitchen windowsill, for example, or in a conservatory. If there is sufficient light, you can of course put them at arm's reach on your kitchen worktop!


Our plants love warmth. They thrive with temperatures between 12°C and 30°C. Notice any black spots on your plants? Then are probably too cold and you should move them to a sunnier, warmer spot.


Our herbs are used to being cared for with love. You can see it, you can taste it. Do you want to enjoy your Buysman plants to the fullest? With a little love, attention to proper fluid balance and a carefully chosen spot with sufficient light and warmth, you can keep them healthy and tasty for a long, long time!