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Lemon Basil

Lemon basil is used a great deal in Indonesia, where it is known as kemangi.

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Lemon basil is used a great deal in Indonesia, where it is known as kemangi.

Tasty with...

Salads, with chicken and fish – both raw and briefly stewed. Fantastic in vegetable dishes, such as Indonesian sajoer. It can also be added to lemonade and fruit juices or ice cream and other sweet desserts for a fresh taste. Preparation tip: stew lemon basil only briefly to prevent loss of flavour. Or better, yet, sprinkle the cut, chopped or torn leaves over the dish just before serving.


Basil originally comes from South Asia. The story is that the Romans brought it to Southern Europe. Wreaths of basil leaves have been found in Egyptian tombs, and the Greeks used it to make medicines. Nowadays, basil is grown on almost every continent.


Lemon basil is effective against flatulence, improves digestion and prevents stomach and intestinal cramps. Lemon basil can also help against headaches. It also has a calming effect.

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