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Basil Piccolino

Don't underestimate this tasty herb: its tiny leaves add an explosion of taste to your caprese sandwich. Want to add extra flavour to your gazpacho? Add Piccolino Basil! What’s more, this special plant is a feast for the eyes, with its small, pointed leaves. A perfect basil to enhance dishes.

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Don't underestimate this tasty herb: its tiny leaves add an explosion of taste to your caprese sandwich. Want to add extra flavour to your gazpacho? Add Piccolino Basil! What’s more, this special plant is a feast for the eyes, with its small, pointed leaves. A perfect basil to enhance dishes.

Tasty with...

Everything containing tomatoes: soups, sauces and salads, for example. But basil is also perfect on vegetables such as courgette, cucumber, aubergine, pasta dishes, veal, lamb, fish, seafood and pizzas. Moreover, it’s completely Irresistible in combination with garlic and olive oil: in fact, you need nothing more for a delicious pasta dish!


Basil originally comes from South Asia. The story is that the Romans brought it to Southern Europe. Wreaths of basil leaves have been found in Egyptian tombs, and the Greeks used it to make medicines. Nowadays, basil is grown on almost every continent.


Certainly: the aromatic oil in basil has a healing effect on the digestion, improves the appetite and is effective against stomach cramp, belching, diarrhoea, intestinal infection and nausea. Basil also eases headaches, helps with sleep disorders, reduces inflammation and has an uplifting effect in cases of depression, nerves and anxiety.

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Respecting People & Nature 

Our herbs are grown sustainably and with respect for nature. We are also constantly searching for innovations that make our herbs even tastier, healthier and more sustainable. The following three certificates (of which we are very proud!) exemplify the success of our sustainability initiatives:

Responsible cultivation

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